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Annoying Motorcyclist

Sometimes I get bad experiences while riding my motorcycle. This isn’t about an accident or something worst happen to my motorcycle. It’s about the bad habit of motorcyclist. There are some kind of annoying riders’ behavior (according to my experience).

The first is rider who didn’t use the turn signal well. Sometimes they forget to turn the turn signal on while turning his/her motorcycle. They even forgot to turn the turn signal off after use it. They makes me really annoyed when they stop their motorbike unpredictably. I really feel annoyed because of them. It can be the cause of an accident if we don’t ride carefully. Some people said that the most popular mototrcyclists of this behavior are a group of moms. Even if men also did this mistake, public have set their mind that the most commonly do this habit are the middle age women (emak-emak) 😂. Sorry for saying that. I think that isn’t true because this isn’t done by women but men too.

The second are motorcyclist who are riding speedly among others. I usually feel worry if there is this kind of motorcyclist beside of me. I’m affraid that he could be lost his balance and made an accident. I won’t imagine hoe terrible it anymore.

The last annoying motorcyclist according to me is riders that’s smoking while riding. In addition to being able to cause air pollution, smoking while riding also lead to traffic accidents. It caused of the dust or cinder of the cigarette. I have ever read an article about an accident that was caused by the cinder of cigarette. The victim said that the accident began when another motorcyclist ride ahead of him. The motorcyclist was smoking while ride ahead of the victim. The cinder fell on the victim’s eye. Then he fell down from his motorcycle. that’s how the accident happened.

It’s sad to realize that even thought we are always careful wherever we go, others may be careless and cause bad things to them and us. I just can tell you that we should take care of us and try hard not to put anyone else in danger.

See you~


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