My Beloved Hometown, Belanti Siam
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Hey what's up?! Did you remember that
I shared you about my hometown? In my previous
post, I had told you if I came from a village that called Pangkoh, especially
Pangkoh 8 (Belanti Siam). Belanti Siam is a village which is located in Pandih
Batu sub-district, Pulang Pisau distric. It takes around of three to four hours
to go there from Palangka Raya. It is comfortable to live
there because of its environment, and also the cost to living there is cheaper
than living in the big city.
The first reason why its comfortambe
to live there is Belanti Siam has good environment. We can see the beautiful
and freshness rice field. As long as can see there are the green of the rice
fields that refresh our eyes. It also has fresh air because there are so many
tree planted there.
The other reason is the cost to living
there is cheaper than living in the big city. Why its cheap to live there is
because we plant a lot of vagetables and fruits. We also keep animals that can
be used for food materials such as chichen, fish, goat, etc. If you’re bored
and want to explore new milieu, you can go
fishing along the river or elsewere. It isn’t take much money right?
Okay its all I can explain to you
about my hometown. Maybe I will explain it in detail next time. See you ...
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