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Little Story of My Life

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Welcome to my blog!  How’s your day going? I hope your day is always going fine. Ok, this time I am going to share you a little story about my life. Cek it out!

            My name is Nuning Melati Putri. My father is person who gave me this name. Actually I don’t understand about the meaning of my name 😆😆. I just a girl who has a simple life about family, study, and dream. I was born in a little village, it is named Belanti Siam. It is a village that was in Pulang Pisau district. It’s about 3-4 hours to go there. I’m a third child and also the last child in my family. I have 2 older brothers. My first brother is 7 years older than me and the second is 5 years older than me. Now, I’m 19 y.o. so you can count how old are they now.
            I moved to Palangka Raya city when I graduated from junior high school in my village. Then I continued my study at SMA 4 Palangka Raya for 3 years. My daily life as a student was not special. It was going just like the other student who’s not popular in the school. Next, I continued my study at IAIN Palangka Raya, exactly in English Education Study Program. Just you know, I had ever gave up to study English. I felt that this way was not my passion. But with support from my family and my firends, I can passed this problem and I can stand until now.
            Now I’m in third semester. Like the other people, I also have dreams. My first dream is so simple. I want to be an English teacher and devote my self to my hometown. Maybe you wonder why I think like that. Just you know, a lot of students in my hometown is not interesting for learning English. So, it makes me want to increase their English ability. And my second dream is about around the world. The first country that I want to visit is South Korean. As a Korean lovers, I definitely would like to go there. Maybe it just a dream, but we don’t know what will happend later.
I think that’s enough about my story. I hope it will be able to entertain your exhausting day. For the last, I’m sorry if there are any mistake about my words and other, because I still learning till now.  And Thanks for your nice attention. See you next time.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.


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